Thursday, December 13, 2012


A narrative tells a story or an event or experience, usually in chronological order. The narrative can be, funny, sad, frightening, or ordinary, but its main purpose is to hold the reader's interest and to entertain them.

Generic structure:
1. Orientation --> sets the scene and introduces the participants.
2. Complication --> a crisis arises.
3. Resolution             -p the crisis is resolved, for better or worse.

Grammar focus
In general, narrative uses the form of past tense (simple past tense and past continuous tense).
Chronological order
Narrative should be in chronological order. So, we should tell the audience a sense of the passage of time such as:
1. Now                                 5. Second                                9. a long time ago
2. Then                                 6. third.                                   10. later
3. Before                              7. Previously                           11. soon
4. First                                  8. after that                             etc.

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