Thursday, October 26, 2017

Makalah Bahasa Inggris


This paper has been approved
To be a partial requierment to take the final examination of
Madrasah Aliyyah Keagamaan Futuhiyyah
Mranggen Demak

Written by:
Name               : Azis Azmi Aulia
Program           : Relegion



This paper was piled
Name                           : Azis Azmi Aulia
Student Number         :
Program                       : Relegion
Title                             : The Miracle of the Quran
It has been tested and legalized
Date    :
Score   :
Mranggen,       Desember 2011
Consultant                                                                                           Examiner,

    Arip Rahman, M.Pd                                                                        Arip Rahman, M.Pd

         Head Master                                                                                     Comitte Chairman

 H. A Adib Masruhan, Lc, M.Pd.I                                                      Ali Nur Taufiq, M.S.I



Verily we is who have sent down the dzikr (i.e) and surely we will guard it (from Corruption) (Qur’an 15:9)
But it is nothing else than are minder to all the Al Amin (Qur’an 68: 52)

This paper is dedicated to
1.      My beloved parents who have encourage me in finishing my study
2.      All of my teacher who have guided me from stupidty to be a good student
3.      All of my brothers
4.      All of my friends at Islamic Senior High Senior High Schools of Futuhiyyah -1
5.      All of my freindship in “FUTUHIYYAH” boarding school who have helped me in finishing this paper till now.  

All praise is due to Allah, the lord of the world, the matter and creator of everythings in the univers. The destroyer of all oppressor and the hope of the oppresed, because by his mercy requirement to take the final examination. The  aim of writing this paper is to give understanding about the process of human life in islam.
On this opportunity i would like to express my appreciation to:
1.      Mr. Abdullah Adib Masruhan, Lc, M.Pd.I as the Head master of Islamic Senior High School of Futuhiyyah -1
2.      Mr. Arip Rohman, M.Pd as My consultan for his time that is given to me in finishing this paper.
3.      All my teacher who have given a motivation for my improvement
4.      My parents in the home who give me a support in school
5.      My beloved freinds at Islamic Senior High School of Futuhiyyah -1 who always give spirit and powerful to make this paper with english
6.      And thanks for everyones who give me their helping in making this paper realize

May Alloh SWT gives them a proporhoned reward and may their good deed is received by Alloh SWT.

Mranggen,    Desember 2011

Azis Azmi Aulia


A.    The beckground of the title
B.     The reason of choosing the title
C.     The clasification of the title
D.    The scopes of the title
E.     The aims of writing
F.      The method of the collecting data
G.    The systemic of writing
A.    Consistency of Qur’an
A.    Quran an Science
B.     The Truth of Prediction of Quran
A.    Conclusion
B.     Suggestion

A.    The Background of The Title
The quran is miracle of Alloh SWT Fourteen centuries ago, Allah sent down the Qur'an. This book of guidance and wisdom calls man to the truth and instructs all human beings to adhere to the values which this mighty revelation contains. From the day of its revelation to the Day of Judgement, this last divine book will remain as the sole guide for humanity

B.     The reason of choosing the title
In these days are still many peoples who do not understand the quran, and these are the reason of choosing the title:
1.      Quran is very important for all the Quran
2.      All moslem must  understand the Quran
3.      Quran us miracle of God

C.     The clasification of the title
To make the deep understanding of understandable in discussing about the title, the writer has a great desire to explain the meaning of the title. The title contain of three main which necesary to be explained and they are:
1.      Consistency of Qur’an
2.      The Quran and science
3.      The truth of quran prediction

D.    The scopes of the title
There are some problem in my paper and they are:
1.      Why the quran is very important for moslem?
2.      What are the miracle of quran?
3.      How do the quran predict the future?

E.     The aims of writing
The aims of writing are:
1.      To fulfill one of the rquierment to have of final examination of relegion program of futuhiyyah 1 2011/2012
2.      To study about quran
3.      To study about miracle of quran

F.      The method of the collecting data
The method of collecting data that will be used by internet and print out of internet

G.    The systemic of writing
In order th theme of study this paper get clear so the writer make the sistematic of writing and they are.


A.    Consistency of Qur’an
Fourteen centuries ago, Allah sent down the Qur'an. This book of guidance and wisdom calls man to the truth and instructs all human beings to adhere to the values which this mighty revelation contains. From the day of its revelation to the Day of Judgement, this last divine book will remain as the sole guide for humanity. The book of Allah states, "But it is nothing less than a Reminder to all the worlds." (Qur'an, 68:52)

Ever since the Qur'an was revealed, it has possessed an easily understandable language and tone, accessible to all people and in all times. Allah tells us of this style in the Qur'an: "We have made the Qur'an easy to remember..." (Qur'an, 54:22)

The perfection of the literary language of the Qur'an, the incomparable features of its style and the superior wisdom contained within it are some of the definitive proofs that it represents the word of our Lord.

In addition, the Qur'an contains within its words many miracles which prove it to be Allah's word. One of these attributes is the remarkable number of scientific truths which are contained in the Book of Islam. In this book which was revealed over fourteen centuries ago to the Prophet Muhammad (saas), there are innumerable examples of information humanity have only been able to uncover by the technology of the 20th and 21st centuries.
Of course, we should not view the Qur'an as a book of science for it is primarily a book of moral and spiritual guidance. However, many scientific facts that are expressed in an extremely concise and profound manner, within the verses of the Qur'an, have only been discovered by scientists with the aid of the technological advancement of the 20th and 21st centuries.


A.    Finger Print
Every one including identical twins has unique fingerprin. In other words. Peoples identities are ordered at their fingreprint of finger tips. This coding system may also be compared to the barcode system that is use today.
While it is stated in the Qur'an that it is easy for Allah to bring man back to life after death, peoples' fingerprints are particularly emphasized:

Yes, We are able to put together in perfect order the very tips of his fingers. (Qur'an, 75:4)

The emphasis on fingerprints has a very special meaning. This is because shapes and details on everyone's fingerprint are unique to each individual. Every person who is alive or who has ever lived in this world has a set of unique fingerprints. Furthermore, even identical twins having the very same DNA sequence have their own set of fingerprints.109 
Fingerprints attain their final shape before birth and remain the same for a lifetime unless a permanent scar appears. That is why fingerprints are accepted as a very important proof of identity, exclusive to their owner. The science of fingerprints has been used as a non-erring identity determination method.
However, what is important is that this feature of fingerprints was only discovered in the late 19th century. Before then, people regarded fingerprints as ordinary curves without any specific importance or meaning. However in the Qur'an, Allah points to the fingertips, which did not attract anyone's attention at that time, and calls our attention to their importance. This importance has only been fully understood in our day.

B.     The creation of what lies between the heavens and the earth

The Qur'an contains a great many verses concerning the creation of the Earth, the heavens and what lies between:

We did not create the heavens and Earth and everything between them, except with truth. The Hour is certainly coming, so turn away graciously. (Qur'an, 15:85)

Everything in the heavens and everything on the Earth and everything in between them and everything under the ground belongs to Him. (Qur'an, 20:6)

We did not create heaven and Earth and everything in between them as a game. (Qur'an, 21:16)
Scientists state that first of all, a mass of hot gas increased in density. This mass later divided into smaller parts to form galactic matter and later still, the stars and planets. To put it another way, the Earth along with stars around it, are all parts which separated from a united body of gas. Some of these parts brought the suns and planets into being, thus leading to the emergence of the many Solar Systems and galaxies. As we have set out in earlier sections of this book, the universe was first in a state of "ratq" (fusion: combined together, united) and then became "fataqa" (divided into parts). The emergence of the universe is described with the most suitable words in the Qur'an, in such a way as to confirm the scientific accounts.

C.     The Seperation of the Heavens and The Earth
Another verse about the creation of the heavens is as follows:

Do not the unbelievers see that the heavens and the Earth were sewn together and then We unstitched them and that We made from water every living thing? So will they not believe? (Qur'an, 21:30)

The word "ratq" translated as "sewn to" means "mixed in each, blended" in the Arabic vernacular. It is used to refer to two different substances that make up a whole. The phrase "we unstitched" is the verb "fataqa" in Arabic and implies that something comes into being by tearing apart or destroying the structure of things that are sewn to one another. The sprouting of a seed from the soil is one of the actions to which this verb is applied.
Let us take a look at the verse again. In the verse, sky and earth are at first subject to the status of "ratq." They are separated (fataqa) with one coming out of the other. Intriguingly, when we think about the first moments of the Big Bang, we see that the entire matter of the universe collected at one single point. In other words, everything-including "the heavens and earth" which were not created yet-were in an interwoven and inseparable condition. Then, this point exploded violently, causing its matter to disunite.

                                   THE TRUTH OF PREDICTION OF QURAN

A.    The Conquest of Makkah
Allah has confirmed His Messenger's vision with truth: You will enter the Masjid al-Haram [Sacred Mosque] in safety, Allah willing, shaving your heads and cutting your hair without any fear. He knew what you did not know and ordained, in place of this, an imminent victory. (Qur'an, 48:27)

One night in Madinah, the Prophet (saas) dreamed that the believers would enter the Sacred Mosque and walk around the Ka`bah. After he awoke, he gave this good news to the believers, for those who had migrated from Makkah to Madinah with him had not been able to return since.
In Surat al-Fath 27, Allah revealed to the Prophet (saas) that He would help and support him, that the dream was true, and that the believers would enter Makkah. A short while later, with the Treaty of Hudaybiyah and the conquest of Makkah, the believers entered the Sacred Mosque in complete safety, just as the dream had foretold. That was how Allah showed that it had been His will that the Prophet's (saas) dream be fulfilled.
On closer consideration, this verse can be seen to announce yet another victory that will take place before Makkah's capture: the capture of the Khyber Fortress, which was under the control of the Jews, before they entered Makkah.196 
Other verses that give the glad tidings of Makkah's conquest are given below:

He held their hands back from you, and your hands from them in the valley of Makkah, after giving you the upper hand over them. Allah sees what you do. (Qur'an, 48:24)

Truly We have granted you a clear victory, so that Allah may forgive you your earlier errors and any later ones, complete His blessing upon you, and guide you on a straight path. And so that Allah may help you with a mighty help. (Qur'an, 48:1-3)

Surat al-Isra' 76 states that the unbelievers cannot stay in Makkah:

They were very near to scaring you from the land with the object of expelling you from it. But had they done so, they would only have remained there a short time after you. (Qur'an, 17:76)

The Prophet (saas) entered Makkah and conquered it in 8 AH (630). Two years later, all of the unbelievers left Makkah, just as Allah had said that they would. Another point that should be noted here is that when the Prophet (saas) gave that good news to the believers, it looked totally out of the question. In fact, the situation pointed in quite the opposite direction, and the polytheists appeared quite determined never to let the believers enter Makkah. As a result, those who had doubts in their hearts began to doubt the Prophet's (saas) words. Yet, the Prophet (saas) trusted in Allah, paid no attention to the doubters' words, and told people what Allah had revealed to him. The Qur'an confirmed his words, and the prediction was fulfilled shortly afterwards.

B.     The Preservation of Pharaohs Body
As we shall see later on, Pharaoh regarded himself as a deity and responded with slanders and threats to Prophet Musa's (as) calls for him to believe in Allah. This arrogant attitude lasted until he was faced with the threat of death through drowning. The Qur'an relates that Pharaoh immediately turned to belief when faced with Allah's punishment:
We brought the tribe of Israel across the sea, and Pharaoh and his troops pursued them out of tyranny and enmity. Then, when he was on the point of drowning, he [Pharaoh] said: "I believe that there is no deity but Him in Whom the tribe of Israel believes. I am one of the Muslims." (Qur'an, 10:90)

However, this last-minute conversion was not accepted, for it was not sincere. According to the Qur'an, Allah exclaimed:

"What, now! When previously you rebelled and were one of the corrupters? Today we will preserve your body so you can be a sign for people who come after you. Surely many people are heedless of Our signs." (Qur'an, 10:91-92)

The information that Pharaoh's corpse would serve as a sign for later generations may be regarded as an indication that his body would not decay. On display in the Royal Mummies Chamber of the Egyptian Museum in Cairo is a mummified body believed to be that of this tyrant. In all likelihood, Pharaoh's body floated to shore after being drowned, was found and mummified by the Egyptians, and then carried to a previously prepared burial chamber.195 


A.    Conclusion
From the description of this paper can be concluded that quran is very great and very important for all moslem, because the quran become foundation for all moslem to worhship to Alloh, and the moslem can hold on to quran to perform order of God and keep away from his prohibition.
And quran is very great moracles, because quran tell about the science, quran had tell about science had created the science, quran had tell about science quran ahead of the scienter. For example about finger print, the creation of what lies between the heavens and earth. Ever so in prediction al quran did tell about prediction at big thing line a longest of maunah, preservation, etc.
Al quran always the turt prediction before the big incedent did happen,line conquest of manah and other, quran veries explanation that derived through the far distant days before the great event actually accours.

B.     Suggestion
Aftaer completing this paper, the writer will invite readers to consider how some of the suggestions that appy to us all:
1.      The quran is the moslem living guidlines and let us read and understande the content of the quran
2.      So very beautiful the miracle of God and fill with amazing miracles. Hence the quran could be a cure a heart if we read it. And can strengthen our faith.


Archeology. /daz/miracles/ardeology/html
Google search. Yahya harun, miracle of the quran. Quranul karim

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